feliks vladimirovich antonov | krot (mole)he/him | 24 | 6'3" | russian
Anxious, innocent, and sensitive, a gang was not the place Feliks had expected to find himself in during his teenage years. Having been indoctrinated into the Mad Dogs shortly after Sasha, Feliks quickly became the group’s technical genius and a living punching bag for the increasingly unstable Yulian. He and Sasha escaped shortly before the downfall of the gang, living on the run for several months before abruptly parting ways without so much as a goodbye. Several years later, Feliks has worked hard to find a better place for himself and move on from his old life, attempting to integrate back into society.
- Brought into the Mad Dogs at age 15 to replace Pasha, making him the youngest member in the gang.
- Has autism, anxiety, and PTSD, all of which manifest in a strong adherance to routines and repetitive self-soothing behaviors.
- Special interests include recording equipment, audiovisual archives, and lost media.
- Developed a heroin addition during his time in the gang. Has been sober for a year and a half.
